Kas Merupan salah satu yang terpenting dalam menjalankan usaha bisnis Anda, Cash flow dapat didefinisikan sebagai cara gerak uang masuk dan keluar dari suatu bisnis Anda, membuka usaha dan mampu bertahan dalam bisnis, Sebuah analisis cash flow adalah metode mengecek kesehatan keuangan perusahaan Anda, dan melakukan studi tentang pergerakan uang tunai melalui bisnis Anda, yang disebut anggaran kas, untuk menentukan pola bagaimana Anda menerima dan membayar uang.Tujuannya adalah untuk mempertahankan kas yang cukup untuk operasional perusahaan dari bulan ke bulan. Jenis analisis cash flow disebut mengembangkan anggaran kas.
1. Jenis analisis cash flow disebut kas analisis penganggaran. Ini adalah bagian dari rencana peramalan keuangan perusahaan Anda. Tentukan jumlah uang yang akan mengalir ke perusahaan Anda selama sebulan. Jika Anda baru memulai bisnis Anda, Anda harus menyertakan saldo awal secara tunai yang ingin Anda miliki setiap bulan. Ada juga akan menjadi jumlah penjualan yang Anda miliki pada bulan pertama. Penjualan akan mencakup penjualan tunai baik dan penjualan yang Anda buat pada pelanggan Anda yang membayar secara kredit. Berikut ini adalah contoh yang dapat Anda ikuti untuk mengembangkan Jadwal Anda Penerimaan Kas (Penjualan Penerimaan).
2. Tentukan jumlah uang yang akan mengalir keluar dari perusahaan Anda selama sebulan. Anda akan memiliki biaya. Anda mungkin harus membeli perlengkapan kantor. Biaya bulanan lain mungkin termasuk iklan, biaya kendaraan, biaya gaji, hanya untuk beberapa nama. Anda akan memiliki beberapa biaya triwulanan, seperti pajak. Anda mungkin memiliki biaya yang hanya terjadi sesekali, seperti pembelian peralatan komputer, kendaraan, atau biaya yang lebih besar lainnya. Berikut adalah contoh dari Jadwal Pembayaran Tunai yang merupakan langkah kedua dari anggaran kas.
3. Anda ingin uang yang akan mengalir ke perusahaan Anda lebih besar dari uang yang akan mengalir keluar dari perusahaan Anda . Ini berarti bahwa arus masuk kas bulanan Anda harus lebih besar dari arus keluar kas bulanan Anda sehingga Anda akan memiliki kas yang cukup untuk mengoperasikan perusahaan Anda. Berikut adalah lembar kerja kosong yang dapat digunakan untuk menghitung arus kas masuk atau penerimaan kas dan lain worksheetyou kosong dapat digunakan untuk menghitung pembayaran kas Anda.
4. Saldo anda berakhir untuk bulan pertama menjadi saldo awal untuk bulan kedua. Anda melakukan hal yang sama jenis analisis. Setiap bulan, Anda mungkin harus menambahkan item lebih untuk analisis arus kas Anda sebagai bisnis Anda tumbuh. Anda perlu memutuskan apa saldo kas minimum berakhir adalah bahwa Anda menemukan diterima untuk perusahaan Anda dan tujuan menuju angka itu setiap bulan
5. Jika arus kas Anda berbalik negatif untuk setiap satu bulan, Anda harus meminjam uang untuk bulan dari keluarga atau teman, investor, atau dari bank atau lembaga keuangan lainnya. Kemudian, jika cash flow Anda positif bulan berikutnya, Anda dapat membayar kembali pinjaman
6. Terus melakukan hal ini setiap bulan untuk periode peramalan Anda. Cobalah untuk menjaga pinjaman Anda ke minimum dan arus kas masuk lebih besar dari arus keluar Anda Anda. Ingatlah bahwa ini anggaran kas adalah dokumen peramalan keuangan tetapi cobalah untuk mengikutinya semaksimal mungkin. Berikut adalah contoh dari Anggaran Kas diselesaikan, berdasarkan jadwal sudah selesai, bahwa Anda dapat melihat. Berikut ini adalah lembar kerja kosong dapat Anda gunakan untuk perusahaan Anda sendiri.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Battled - AFI, Lyric
Battled - AFI
I can't think and i can't speak!
My mind is not my own!
Feeling like my will is weak!
Cannot find the strength to go on!
I've battled! i'm f_cking battled man!
I've battled! i've battled yeah!
I've battled! i'm f_cking battled man!
I've battled! i can't think and i can't speak!
My mind is not my own!
Feeling like my will is weak!
Cannot find the strength to go on!
I've battled! i'm f_cking battled man!
I've battled! i've battled yeah!
I've battled! i'm f_cking battled man!
I've battled!
My mind is not my own!
Feeling like my will is weak!
Cannot find the strength to go on!
I've battled! i'm f_cking battled man!
I've battled! i've battled yeah!
I've battled! i'm f_cking battled man!
I've battled! i can't think and i can't speak!
My mind is not my own!
Feeling like my will is weak!
Cannot find the strength to go on!
I've battled! i'm f_cking battled man!
I've battled! i've battled yeah!
I've battled! i'm f_cking battled man!
I've battled!
Morningstar - AFI, Lyric
Morningstar - AFI
I saw a star beneath the stairs glowing through the melting walls.
Who will be the first to begin their fall?
Or will we become one?
Am I the star beneath the stairs?
Am I a ghost upon the stage?
Am I your anything?
I saw a star beneath the stairs glowing bright before descent
and in the morning there is nothing left but what's inside of me.
And I don't want to die tonight; will you believe in me?
And I don't want to fall into the light.
Will you wish upon?
Will you walk upon me?
I don't want to die tonight.
Who will be the first to begin their fall?
Or will we become one?
Am I the star beneath the stairs?
Am I a ghost upon the stage?
Am I your anything?
I saw a star beneath the stairs glowing bright before descent
and in the morning there is nothing left but what's inside of me.
And I don't want to die tonight; will you believe in me?
And I don't want to fall into the light.
Will you wish upon?
Will you walk upon me?
I don't want to die tonight.
The Despair Factor - AFI, Lyric
The Despair Factor - AFI
Along the path where the stream is talking,
I breathe the mist and continue walking.
The wood it whispers in a language of it's own.
As a sigh escaped my lips,
I feel the light caress of fingertips that,
steal away the breath and leave me on my own.
Waiting by the stairs. (Waiting, I despair)
Waiting, I despair. (Waiting by the stairs)
My whole life is a dark room.
One, big, dark room.
Do I hear the hollow sound,
Footsteps resounding on this frozen ground,
Or the familiar disappointment of the echoes of my own?
Waiting by the stairs. (Waiting i despair)
Waiting, I despair. (Waiting by the stairs)
Somehow I ended up here in between,
Where there is always the comfort,
Of knowing I'll never be seen.
When I fall
When I fall
I wait for just one touch,
And I fall
Faithless, I'll adore you.
A single touch, before I fade. Painless let me pass through.
Faithless, I'll adore you.
A single touch, before I fade. Painless let me pass through.
I breathe the mist and continue walking.
The wood it whispers in a language of it's own.
As a sigh escaped my lips,
I feel the light caress of fingertips that,
steal away the breath and leave me on my own.
Waiting by the stairs. (Waiting, I despair)
Waiting, I despair. (Waiting by the stairs)
My whole life is a dark room.
One, big, dark room.
Do I hear the hollow sound,
Footsteps resounding on this frozen ground,
Or the familiar disappointment of the echoes of my own?
Waiting by the stairs. (Waiting i despair)
Waiting, I despair. (Waiting by the stairs)
Somehow I ended up here in between,
Where there is always the comfort,
Of knowing I'll never be seen.
When I fall
When I fall
I wait for just one touch,
And I fall
Faithless, I'll adore you.
A single touch, before I fade. Painless let me pass through.
Faithless, I'll adore you.
A single touch, before I fade. Painless let me pass through.
Wester - AFI, Lyric
Wester - AFI
I can feel you waiting for me as the sun retreats to the hills and I,
beneath the blanket of a burning sky, wrap myself within.
Embraced by dead leaves as the rain leaves trails of black down my face,
I creep through the twilight to that
hidden place beyond the lonely.
I'll meet you tonight in the whispers when no one's around.
Nothing can stop us now.
Tonight in the whispers where we won't be found.
I can feel you dreaming of me and the time when our steps are retraced
and I creep through the twilight to that hidden place,
beyond the lonely, I'll meet you.
Beneath a dream, lost in a dream tonight.
beneath the blanket of a burning sky, wrap myself within.
Embraced by dead leaves as the rain leaves trails of black down my face,
I creep through the twilight to that
hidden place beyond the lonely.
I'll meet you tonight in the whispers when no one's around.
Nothing can stop us now.
Tonight in the whispers where we won't be found.
I can feel you dreaming of me and the time when our steps are retraced
and I creep through the twilight to that hidden place,
beyond the lonely, I'll meet you.
Beneath a dream, lost in a dream tonight.
Catch A Hot One - AFI, Lyric
Catch A Hot One - AFI
Let's tap your heart so we can paint the walls
and see if anybody likes the tone or the pain.
The hungry eyes waiting for life flash, now they're gonna see it.
Open your veins so we can make a pool and bathe
and see if anyone complains of the stain.
Let's strip you down so we can see you old scars.
Now you're gonna feel it.
Show me how to shine now.
Have you ever turned to dust?
I saw an insect learn to fly; its form was scorned.
Have you ever seen the kingdom of the flys?
I saw it stay in sovereignty.
Have you lost the sense of touch?
Have you ever turned to dust?
Let's lift you up so we can see how fast
you fall. We always thought that you could fly; now you'll crawl.
The lack of loyalty you thought you once felt, now you're
gonna feel it. Now show me how to shine.
and see if anybody likes the tone or the pain.
The hungry eyes waiting for life flash, now they're gonna see it.
Open your veins so we can make a pool and bathe
and see if anyone complains of the stain.
Let's strip you down so we can see you old scars.
Now you're gonna feel it.
Show me how to shine now.
Have you ever turned to dust?
I saw an insect learn to fly; its form was scorned.
Have you ever seen the kingdom of the flys?
I saw it stay in sovereignty.
Have you lost the sense of touch?
Have you ever turned to dust?
Let's lift you up so we can see how fast
you fall. We always thought that you could fly; now you'll crawl.
The lack of loyalty you thought you once felt, now you're
gonna feel it. Now show me how to shine.
The Days Of Phoenix - AFI, Lyric
The Days Of Phoenix - AFI
I remember when I was told of story of crushed velvet,
candle wax, and dried up flowers
The figure on the bed all dressed up in roses, calling
Beckoning to sleep,
Offering a dream
words were as mystical as purring animals
The circle of rage
The ghosts on the stage appeared
The time was so tangible, I'll never let it go
Ghost stories handed down, reached secret tunnels below
No one could see me
I fell into yesterday
Our dreams seemed not far away
I want to, I want to, I want to stay
I fell into fantasy
The words were as mystical as purring animals
The circle of rage
The ghosts on the stage appeared
The time was so tangible, I'll never let it go
Ghost stories handed down, reached secret tunnels below
No one could see me
I fell into yesterday.
Our dreams seemed not far away
I want to, I want to, I want to stay.
I fell into fantasy
The girl on the wall always waited for me,
And she was always smiling
The teenage death boys
The teenage death girls
And everyone was dancing
Nothing could touch us then
No one could change us then
Everyone was dancing
Nothing could hurt us then
No one could see us then
Everyone was dancing
Everyone was dancing
No one could see me
I fell into yesterday
Our dreams seemed not far away
I want to, I want to, I want to stay
I fell into fantasy
Our dreams seemed not far away
Our dreams seemed not far away
Our dreams seemed not far away
I fell into fantasy
candle wax, and dried up flowers
The figure on the bed all dressed up in roses, calling
Beckoning to sleep,
Offering a dream
words were as mystical as purring animals
The circle of rage
The ghosts on the stage appeared
The time was so tangible, I'll never let it go
Ghost stories handed down, reached secret tunnels below
No one could see me
I fell into yesterday
Our dreams seemed not far away
I want to, I want to, I want to stay
I fell into fantasy
The words were as mystical as purring animals
The circle of rage
The ghosts on the stage appeared
The time was so tangible, I'll never let it go
Ghost stories handed down, reached secret tunnels below
No one could see me
I fell into yesterday.
Our dreams seemed not far away
I want to, I want to, I want to stay.
I fell into fantasy
The girl on the wall always waited for me,
And she was always smiling
The teenage death boys
The teenage death girls
And everyone was dancing
Nothing could touch us then
No one could change us then
Everyone was dancing
Nothing could hurt us then
No one could see us then
Everyone was dancing
Everyone was dancing
No one could see me
I fell into yesterday
Our dreams seemed not far away
I want to, I want to, I want to stay
I fell into fantasy
Our dreams seemed not far away
Our dreams seemed not far away
Our dreams seemed not far away
I fell into fantasy
Story At Three - AFI, Lyric
Story At Three - AFI
Again and again they blend into one,
my father the morning pushes through moonlight love.
So what's sleep? Sleep.
I'm tired, so tired, but it seems that there's someone here with me.
We are the wakeful, wry, watchful.
We're awaiting.
Deathless ones.
A story at three with the shrillest of cries.
My mind fights with the sparkles in the corner of my eyes.
I hear the morning choir sing to me their elegy.
So beautiful.
They sing to me their elegy. Requiem.
my father the morning pushes through moonlight love.
So what's sleep? Sleep.
I'm tired, so tired, but it seems that there's someone here with me.
We are the wakeful, wry, watchful.
We're awaiting.
Deathless ones.
A story at three with the shrillest of cries.
My mind fights with the sparkles in the corner of my eyes.
I hear the morning choir sing to me their elegy.
So beautiful.
They sing to me their elegy. Requiem.
Smile - AFI, Lyric
Smile - AFI
Overwhelmed with a deep repulsion for sights seen so commonly,
now I have come to be the walking enmity.
Assimilate into a culture of post morality, from what I've seen, I hate humanity.
Rot with repulsion. I'll write the world a brand new song.
Look upon your bleak creation,
but is it truly me that's to be the human blasphemy?
I'll set the world on fire and,
in burning light I'll write my first love song and I will feel warmth.
Hide your eyes in heaven, in the lies.
Believe. Relieve. I'll end the world tonight.
Overwhelmed with a deep repulsion for sights seen so commonly,
now I have come
to be a walking enmity, for humanity,
the human blasphemy,
I'll end the world tonight.
now I have come to be the walking enmity.
Assimilate into a culture of post morality, from what I've seen, I hate humanity.
Rot with repulsion. I'll write the world a brand new song.
Look upon your bleak creation,
but is it truly me that's to be the human blasphemy?
I'll set the world on fire and,
in burning light I'll write my first love song and I will feel warmth.
Hide your eyes in heaven, in the lies.
Believe. Relieve. I'll end the world tonight.
Overwhelmed with a deep repulsion for sights seen so commonly,
now I have come
to be a walking enmity, for humanity,
the human blasphemy,
I'll end the world tonight.
Of Greetings And Goodbyes - AFI, Lyric
Of Greetings And Goodbyes - AFI
Now ending discreetly, just like a hidden sin,
as I go under please tuck me in.
Make me invisible.
This hidden explosion calls for a wandering cast with no direction.
Enter all monsters let us twist another fairy tale.
Go kill the lights, we'll glow till morning comes.
I'll say goodnight and bow to everyone.
Then we go under.
The beauties are sleeping as fruit just rots away.
Today go hungry.
Let it begin.
Make me invincible.
There was a weeping I carried down today, a sigh worth keeping.
Deep within divinity let's star another secret show.
No need to worry it is just another monster.
No need to fear here in the secret show.
No need to worry I am just another monster.
In you, I'll see me, in the secret show.
as I go under please tuck me in.
Make me invisible.
This hidden explosion calls for a wandering cast with no direction.
Enter all monsters let us twist another fairy tale.
Go kill the lights, we'll glow till morning comes.
I'll say goodnight and bow to everyone.
Then we go under.
The beauties are sleeping as fruit just rots away.
Today go hungry.
Let it begin.
Make me invincible.
There was a weeping I carried down today, a sigh worth keeping.
Deep within divinity let's star another secret show.
No need to worry it is just another monster.
No need to fear here in the secret show.
No need to worry I am just another monster.
In you, I'll see me, in the secret show.
Sacrifice Theory - AFI, Lyric
Sacrifice Theory - AFI
Hear one thousand screams.
Hear one thousand voices.
A solitary echo.
Feel one thousand pains,
But one is receiving a bloody invitation.
Do you want to feel the warmth?
To taste the life, to taste the life
Do you want taste the life?
To taste the life, to taste the life flow?
Go, Go
Feel one thousand lost,
sinking into soft skin.
Ingest rejuvenation.
One to consume,
One to renew.
Demanded invitation.
Do you want to feel the warmth?
To taste the life, to taste the life
Do you want taste the life?
To taste the life, to taste the life flow?
I offer grace,
I offer blood.
I offer everything till my heart is crystal clear.
I offer grace,
I offer blood.
I offer everything till my heart is crystal clear.
Let me taste the life flow.
Do you want to feel the warmth?
To taste the life, to taste the life
I want to taste the life.
To taste the life, to taste the life flow.
Go, Go, Woah, Go
Hear one thousand voices.
A solitary echo.
Feel one thousand pains,
But one is receiving a bloody invitation.
Do you want to feel the warmth?
To taste the life, to taste the life
Do you want taste the life?
To taste the life, to taste the life flow?
Go, Go
Feel one thousand lost,
sinking into soft skin.
Ingest rejuvenation.
One to consume,
One to renew.
Demanded invitation.
Do you want to feel the warmth?
To taste the life, to taste the life
Do you want taste the life?
To taste the life, to taste the life flow?
I offer grace,
I offer blood.
I offer everything till my heart is crystal clear.
I offer grace,
I offer blood.
I offer everything till my heart is crystal clear.
Let me taste the life flow.
Do you want to feel the warmth?
To taste the life, to taste the life
I want to taste the life.
To taste the life, to taste the life flow.
Go, Go, Woah, Go
Ever And A Day - AFI, Lyric
Ever And A Day - AFI
Lie in comfort of sweet calamity with nothing left to lose.
Like in the darkness, I'm slowly drowned to sleep
nothing left to lose.
Three tears I've saved for you.
I'd retrace the steps that lead me here but nothing lives behind me.
So I lie in this field bathed in the light that loves me,
with nothing left to lose.
Three tears I've saved for you.
Will you be my beloved?
Will you help me to get through?
Will you be my destruction?
Will you help me to be through?
Like in the darkness, I'm slowly drowned to sleep
nothing left to lose.
Three tears I've saved for you.
I'd retrace the steps that lead me here but nothing lives behind me.
So I lie in this field bathed in the light that loves me,
with nothing left to lose.
Three tears I've saved for you.
Will you be my beloved?
Will you help me to get through?
Will you be my destruction?
Will you help me to be through?
The Nephilim - AFI, Lyric
The Nephilim - AFI
Swing through sadness, tears of joy.
Curse the sunlight.
Arsenic for the girls and boys.
Drink the madness, smoke so coy.
Smile injection.
Serum of a will destroyed.
The seasons change without me.
I remain in shadows growing wings.
The spirit song still surrounds me, in refrain, in shadows growing wings.
Like an angel with two broken wings, reach the sky again.
Like a devil, meant for better things, I will find my place on high.
Curse the sunlight.
Arsenic for the girls and boys.
Drink the madness, smoke so coy.
Smile injection.
Serum of a will destroyed.
The seasons change without me.
I remain in shadows growing wings.
The spirit song still surrounds me, in refrain, in shadows growing wings.
Like an angel with two broken wings, reach the sky again.
Like a devil, meant for better things, I will find my place on high.
The Lost Souls - AFI, Lyric
The Lost Souls - AFI
If you can't stand upon the water I will see you on the ocean floor.
When you blink do you only find the misery between the lines?
Then take my hand and walk with me.
Come to me, your sanctuary,
I'll gladly accept the gift that I've been granted.
If you feel fine, then give it just a little time.
I'm sure you'll contract my disease.
Look what you've done to me now,
You've made me perfect.
Look what you've done to me now.
If you can't stand upon the earth then I see you on the other side.
When you blink do you only find the misery weighs down your eyes?
Then take my hand and sleep with me.
Look what you've done to me now,
You've made me perfect.
Look what you've done to me now.
Take my hand, I'll be everything to you.
Take my hand, I'll take everything from you.
I will seep under your skin.
I will.
I will hold onto your heart.
I will.
Look what you've done to me now,
You've made me perfect.
Look what you've done to me now.
Look what you've done to me now,
You've made me perfect.
Look what you've done to me now.
What have you done?
What have you done?
What have you done?
What have you done?
When you blink do you only find the misery between the lines?
Then take my hand and walk with me.
Come to me, your sanctuary,
I'll gladly accept the gift that I've been granted.
If you feel fine, then give it just a little time.
I'm sure you'll contract my disease.
Look what you've done to me now,
You've made me perfect.
Look what you've done to me now.
If you can't stand upon the earth then I see you on the other side.
When you blink do you only find the misery weighs down your eyes?
Then take my hand and sleep with me.
Look what you've done to me now,
You've made me perfect.
Look what you've done to me now.
Take my hand, I'll be everything to you.
Take my hand, I'll take everything from you.
I will seep under your skin.
I will.
I will hold onto your heart.
I will.
Look what you've done to me now,
You've made me perfect.
Look what you've done to me now.
Look what you've done to me now,
You've made me perfect.
Look what you've done to me now.
What have you done?
What have you done?
What have you done?
What have you done?
Reiver's Music - AFI, Lyric
Reiver's Music - AFI
I gave up fighting.
I've come to see these halos.
Am I now worse off for this one night?
All come enchanted, welcomed by the halos.
All the while we know those enamored never miss us because we are all now in dying days, hear nothing and see no one.
Nothing is all we own.
I've taken to speaking words that only they know.
How soon I did see, all here is unseen.
I gave up trying.
I've come to be these halos and welcome to our show those enamored who won't miss us because we are all now in dying days,
hear nothing and see no one.
Nothing is all we own.
With only echoes proving that I'm here with all the wraiths, for all these years and I have no desire to leave.
Because we are all now in dying days, hear nothing and see no one.
Nothing is all we own.
I've come to see these halos.
Am I now worse off for this one night?
All come enchanted, welcomed by the halos.
All the while we know those enamored never miss us because we are all now in dying days, hear nothing and see no one.
Nothing is all we own.
I've taken to speaking words that only they know.
How soon I did see, all here is unseen.
I gave up trying.
I've come to be these halos and welcome to our show those enamored who won't miss us because we are all now in dying days,
hear nothing and see no one.
Nothing is all we own.
With only echoes proving that I'm here with all the wraiths, for all these years and I have no desire to leave.
Because we are all now in dying days, hear nothing and see no one.
Nothing is all we own.
Now The World - AFI, Lyric
Now The World - AFI
Summer I painted, a scene, that lit the stars for me,
Said, "I can erase it for you dear."
That summer created, those words, that came to life in three,
They were denied by you.
Summer I laid down, below, the glitter adorned night,
And silently sparkled, my own way.
Summer I laid down, by you, and shared my frail light,
You gave the dark to me.
(You gave the dark to me)
I looked inside,
To find,
The one I sent away.
(This excoriation)
I nearly froze, when I stepped inside,
To find,
(Thrive on)
The flowers turned to Grey.
(This self mutilation)
I closed my eyes, and kissed them one last time.
Summer a morning, so pale, alone when they found me,
As I remained sleeping, I heard them say,
"This summer created, a boy, of abject misery."
He was designed by you.
(He was designed by you)
I looked inside,
To find,
The one I sent away.
(This excoriation)
I nearly froze, when I stepped inside,
To find,
(Thrive on)
The flowers turned to Grey.
(This self mutilation)
I closed my eyes, and kissed them...
So like a lost child,
I will hide.
(Now the World)
And like lost lie,
I will find.
(Now the World)
Find a way to return to the ones who made me,
Cover your eyes and we'll die together.
Will you cry for me,
Will you cry for me,
Or will you cry with me?
Will you cry for me,
Will you cry for me,
Or will you cry with me?
Will you cry for me,
(I've been a lonely one)
Will you cry for me,
(I've had this whole world)
Or will you die with me?
(Drained from me)
Will you cry for me,
(Am I the only one)
Will you cry for me,
(I've had this world)
Or will you die with me?
(Drained from me, drained from me.)
Summer I painted, a scene, that lit the stars for me,
Said, "I can erase it for you dear."
Said, "I can erase it for you dear."
That summer created, those words, that came to life in three,
They were denied by you.
Summer I laid down, below, the glitter adorned night,
And silently sparkled, my own way.
Summer I laid down, by you, and shared my frail light,
You gave the dark to me.
(You gave the dark to me)
I looked inside,
To find,
The one I sent away.
(This excoriation)
I nearly froze, when I stepped inside,
To find,
(Thrive on)
The flowers turned to Grey.
(This self mutilation)
I closed my eyes, and kissed them one last time.
Summer a morning, so pale, alone when they found me,
As I remained sleeping, I heard them say,
"This summer created, a boy, of abject misery."
He was designed by you.
(He was designed by you)
I looked inside,
To find,
The one I sent away.
(This excoriation)
I nearly froze, when I stepped inside,
To find,
(Thrive on)
The flowers turned to Grey.
(This self mutilation)
I closed my eyes, and kissed them...
So like a lost child,
I will hide.
(Now the World)
And like lost lie,
I will find.
(Now the World)
Find a way to return to the ones who made me,
Cover your eyes and we'll die together.
Will you cry for me,
Will you cry for me,
Or will you cry with me?
Will you cry for me,
Will you cry for me,
Or will you cry with me?
Will you cry for me,
(I've been a lonely one)
Will you cry for me,
(I've had this whole world)
Or will you die with me?
(Drained from me)
Will you cry for me,
(Am I the only one)
Will you cry for me,
(I've had this world)
Or will you die with me?
(Drained from me, drained from me.)
Summer I painted, a scene, that lit the stars for me,
Said, "I can erase it for you dear."
But Home Is Nowhere - AFI, Lyric
But Home Is Nowhere - AFI
Twenty-six years and seems like I've just begun
To understand my, my intimate is no one
When the director sold the show, who bought its last rites?
They cut the cast, the music, and the lights
This is my line, this is eternal
How did I ever end up here?
Discarnate, preternatural
My prayers to disappear
Absent of grace, marked as infernal
Ungranted in dead time left me disowned
To this nature, so unnatural
I remain alone
Twenty-six years end, still speaking in these tongues
Such revelations while understood by no one
When the new actor stole the show, who questioned his grace?
Please clear the house of ill-aquired taste
This is my line, this is eternal
How did I ever end up here?
Discarnate, preternatural
My prayers to disappear
Absent of grace, marked as infernal
Ungranted in dead time left me disowned
To this nature, so unnatural
I remain alone
Give me something, give me something
Give me something, give me something
Give me something, give me something real
I lay strewn across the floor, can't solve this puzzle
Everyday another small piece can't be found
I lay strewn across the floor, pieced up in sorrow
The pieces are lost, these pieces don't fit
Pieced together incomplete and empty
This is my line, this is eternal
How did I ever end up here?
Discarnate, preternatural
My prayers to disappear
Absent of grace, marked as infernal
Ungranted in dead time left me disowned
To this nature, so unnatural
I remain alone
This is my line, this is eternal
How did I end up here?
Discarnate, preternatural
My prayers to disappear
Absent of grace, marked as infernal
Ungranted in dead time left me disowned
To this nature, so unnatural
I remain alone
To understand my, my intimate is no one
When the director sold the show, who bought its last rites?
They cut the cast, the music, and the lights
This is my line, this is eternal
How did I ever end up here?
Discarnate, preternatural
My prayers to disappear
Absent of grace, marked as infernal
Ungranted in dead time left me disowned
To this nature, so unnatural
I remain alone
Twenty-six years end, still speaking in these tongues
Such revelations while understood by no one
When the new actor stole the show, who questioned his grace?
Please clear the house of ill-aquired taste
This is my line, this is eternal
How did I ever end up here?
Discarnate, preternatural
My prayers to disappear
Absent of grace, marked as infernal
Ungranted in dead time left me disowned
To this nature, so unnatural
I remain alone
Give me something, give me something
Give me something, give me something
Give me something, give me something real
I lay strewn across the floor, can't solve this puzzle
Everyday another small piece can't be found
I lay strewn across the floor, pieced up in sorrow
The pieces are lost, these pieces don't fit
Pieced together incomplete and empty
This is my line, this is eternal
How did I ever end up here?
Discarnate, preternatural
My prayers to disappear
Absent of grace, marked as infernal
Ungranted in dead time left me disowned
To this nature, so unnatural
I remain alone
This is my line, this is eternal
How did I end up here?
Discarnate, preternatural
My prayers to disappear
Absent of grace, marked as infernal
Ungranted in dead time left me disowned
To this nature, so unnatural
I remain alone
The Leaving Song - AFI, Lyric
The Leaving Song - AFI
Walked away, heard them say
"Poison hearts will never change, walk away again"
Turned away in disgrace
Felt the chill upon my face cooling from within
It's hard to notice gleaming from the sky
When you're staring at the cracks
It's hard to notice what is passing by with eyes lowered
You... walked away, heard them say
"Poisoned hearts will never change, walk away again"
All the cracks will lead right to me
And all the cracks will crawl right through me
All the cracks, they lead right to me
And all the cracks will crawl right through me, and I fell apart
As I... walked away, heard them say
"Poisoned hearts will never change"
Walked away again
Turned away in disgrace
Felt the chill upon my face cooling from within
"Poison hearts will never change, walk away again"
Turned away in disgrace
Felt the chill upon my face cooling from within
It's hard to notice gleaming from the sky
When you're staring at the cracks
It's hard to notice what is passing by with eyes lowered
You... walked away, heard them say
"Poisoned hearts will never change, walk away again"
All the cracks will lead right to me
And all the cracks will crawl right through me
All the cracks, they lead right to me
And all the cracks will crawl right through me, and I fell apart
As I... walked away, heard them say
"Poisoned hearts will never change"
Walked away again
Turned away in disgrace
Felt the chill upon my face cooling from within
The Celluloid Dream - AFI, Lyric
The Celluloid Dream - AFI
Calling tears from deep inside, oh, you're so exquisite
And in the mirror, all midnight eyes
Oh, if I could remain, but it's just a visit
All midnight eyes read "vacancy"
Twisted, twisting
To the lovely dancing lights, I begged, "May I cut in?"
But they never stopped playing "their song"
Of a joyous song the sing, I've heard whispers
On a freezing note, I resonate
Just like romantic verses, just like a joyous end
Just like a memory, it twists me
Just like romantic verses, just like a joyous end
Twist... twisting me
You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic
Onto the melting boy, and melt away
You light as gently, you're so cinematic
Bathed in your radiance, I melt
In the glitter, in the dark, sunk into velvet
Praying this will never end
In the shadow of a star, in static pallor
I realized I never began
Just like romantic verses, just like a joyous end
Just like a memory, it twists me
Just like romantic verses, just like a joyous end
Twist... twisting me
You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic
Onto the melting boy, and melt away
You light as gently, you're so cinematic
Bathed in your radiance, I melt
All the colours upon leaving, all will turn to grey
All the colours upon leaving, all will turn to grey
(All grey) All the colours (All grey) upon leaving
(All grey) all will turn to grey
(All grey) All the colours (All grey) upon leaving
(All grey) all will turn to grey... grey...
You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic
Onto the melting boy, and melt away
You light as gently, you're so cinematic
Bathed in your radiance
You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic
You land as lightly as the new snow, and melt away
You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic
Bathed in your radiance, I melt
And in the mirror, all midnight eyes
Oh, if I could remain, but it's just a visit
All midnight eyes read "vacancy"
Twisted, twisting
To the lovely dancing lights, I begged, "May I cut in?"
But they never stopped playing "their song"
Of a joyous song the sing, I've heard whispers
On a freezing note, I resonate
Just like romantic verses, just like a joyous end
Just like a memory, it twists me
Just like romantic verses, just like a joyous end
Twist... twisting me
You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic
Onto the melting boy, and melt away
You light as gently, you're so cinematic
Bathed in your radiance, I melt
In the glitter, in the dark, sunk into velvet
Praying this will never end
In the shadow of a star, in static pallor
I realized I never began
Just like romantic verses, just like a joyous end
Just like a memory, it twists me
Just like romantic verses, just like a joyous end
Twist... twisting me
You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic
Onto the melting boy, and melt away
You light as gently, you're so cinematic
Bathed in your radiance, I melt
All the colours upon leaving, all will turn to grey
All the colours upon leaving, all will turn to grey
(All grey) All the colours (All grey) upon leaving
(All grey) all will turn to grey
(All grey) All the colours (All grey) upon leaving
(All grey) all will turn to grey... grey...
You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic
Onto the melting boy, and melt away
You light as gently, you're so cinematic
Bathed in your radiance
You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic
You land as lightly as the new snow, and melt away
You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic
Bathed in your radiance, I melt
Paper Airplanes (Makeshift Wings) - AFI, Lyric
Paper Airplanes (Makeshift Wings) - AFI
Raise high monolithic statues so fragile as they fall
I am ever enthralled
Gaze, lie and smirk in time, your arrogance will suit you well
'Til fashion is dispelled
As waves of plastic fame go out of fashion
You're going out, going out forever unknown
These waves of plastic fame go out of fashion
(These waves of plastic fame are drying up and I smile)
You're going out, going out forever unknown
(Because you're dying to become forever unknown, unkown)
From above a rain of ashes descends
Anathema I will remain, forever will remain
From below, in my seclusion
Look up to the sky to see paper wings and watch them burn
Without habitation, you'll never find a soul inside
No life, but nothing's died
No lights, but quite the show (Just as long as no one ever knows
All motion is pantomime)
As waves of plastic fame go out of fashion
You're going out, going out forever unknown
These waves of plastic fame go out of fashion
(These waves of plastic fame are drying up and I smile)
You're going out, going out forever unknown
(Because you're dying to become forever unknown, unkown)
From above a rain of ashes descends
Anathema I will remain, forever will remain
From below, in my seclusion
Look up to the sky to see paper wings and watch them burn
Dancing in the rain of descending ash
Dancing on your grave, I'll see you all falling
Dancing in the rain of descending ash
Dancing in your dust, I'll see you all falling
I'd stop it, had you a heart
I'd stop it, had you a heart
From above a rain of ashes descends
Anathema I will remain, forever will remain
From below, in my seclusion
Look up to the sky to see paper wings and watch them burn
I am ever enthralled
Gaze, lie and smirk in time, your arrogance will suit you well
'Til fashion is dispelled
As waves of plastic fame go out of fashion
You're going out, going out forever unknown
These waves of plastic fame go out of fashion
(These waves of plastic fame are drying up and I smile)
You're going out, going out forever unknown
(Because you're dying to become forever unknown, unkown)
From above a rain of ashes descends
Anathema I will remain, forever will remain
From below, in my seclusion
Look up to the sky to see paper wings and watch them burn
Without habitation, you'll never find a soul inside
No life, but nothing's died
No lights, but quite the show (Just as long as no one ever knows
All motion is pantomime)
As waves of plastic fame go out of fashion
You're going out, going out forever unknown
These waves of plastic fame go out of fashion
(These waves of plastic fame are drying up and I smile)
You're going out, going out forever unknown
(Because you're dying to become forever unknown, unkown)
From above a rain of ashes descends
Anathema I will remain, forever will remain
From below, in my seclusion
Look up to the sky to see paper wings and watch them burn
Dancing in the rain of descending ash
Dancing on your grave, I'll see you all falling
Dancing in the rain of descending ash
Dancing in your dust, I'll see you all falling
I'd stop it, had you a heart
I'd stop it, had you a heart
From above a rain of ashes descends
Anathema I will remain, forever will remain
From below, in my seclusion
Look up to the sky to see paper wings and watch them burn
The Great Disappointment - AFI, Lyric
The Great Disappointment - AFI
I can remember a place I used to go
Chrysanthemums of white, they seemed so beautiful
I can remember, I searched for the amaranth
I'd shut my eyes... to see
Oh, how I smiled then, so near the cherished ones
I knew they would appear... saw not a single one
Oh, how I smiled then, waiting so patiently
I'd make a wish... and bleed
While I waited I was wasting away
While I waited I was wasting away
I can remember... dreamt them so vividly
Soft creatures draped in white, light kisses gracing me
I can remember when I first realized
Dreams were the only place to see them
While I waited I was wasting away
While I waited I was wasting away
While I waited I was wasting away
Hope was wasting away
Faith was wasting away
I was wasting away
I never, never wanted this
I always wanted to believe
I never, never wanted this
How could I have become?
I never, never wanted this
But from the start I'd been deceived
I never, never wanted this
How could I have become?
I never, never wanted this
I always wanted to believe
I never, never wanted this
I never, never wanted this
But from the start I'd been deceived
I never, never wanted this
Inside a crumbling effigy
But you promised
So dies all innocence
But you promised me
While I waited I was wasting away
While I waited I was wasting away
While I waited I was wasting away
Hope was wasting away
Faith was wasting away
I was wasting away
Chrysanthemums of white, they seemed so beautiful
I can remember, I searched for the amaranth
I'd shut my eyes... to see
Oh, how I smiled then, so near the cherished ones
I knew they would appear... saw not a single one
Oh, how I smiled then, waiting so patiently
I'd make a wish... and bleed
While I waited I was wasting away
While I waited I was wasting away
I can remember... dreamt them so vividly
Soft creatures draped in white, light kisses gracing me
I can remember when I first realized
Dreams were the only place to see them
While I waited I was wasting away
While I waited I was wasting away
While I waited I was wasting away
Hope was wasting away
Faith was wasting away
I was wasting away
I never, never wanted this
I always wanted to believe
I never, never wanted this
How could I have become?
I never, never wanted this
But from the start I'd been deceived
I never, never wanted this
How could I have become?
I never, never wanted this
I always wanted to believe
I never, never wanted this
I never, never wanted this
But from the start I'd been deceived
I never, never wanted this
Inside a crumbling effigy
But you promised
So dies all innocence
But you promised me
While I waited I was wasting away
While I waited I was wasting away
While I waited I was wasting away
Hope was wasting away
Faith was wasting away
I was wasting away
Death Of Season - AFI, Lyric
Death Of Season - AFI
Of late, it's harder just to go outside
To leave this deadspace with hatred, so alive
Writhing with sickness, thrown into banality, I decay
Killed by the weakness, but forced to return, turn it off
I watch the stars as they fall from the sky
I held a fallen star and it wept for me, dying
I feel the fallen stars encircle me now, as they cry
Out there so quickly grows malignant tribes
Posthuman extinction excels unrecognized
Feeling surrounded, so bored with mortality, I decay
All of this hatred is fuking real, turn it on... yeah
I watch the stars as they fall from the sky
I held a fallen star and it wept for me, dying
I feel the fallen stars encircle me now, as they cry
It won't be all right despite what they say
Just watch the stars tonight as they, as they disappear, disintegrate
And I disintegrate 'cause this hate is fuking real
And I hope to shade the world as stars go out and I disintegrate
To leave this deadspace with hatred, so alive
Writhing with sickness, thrown into banality, I decay
Killed by the weakness, but forced to return, turn it off
I watch the stars as they fall from the sky
I held a fallen star and it wept for me, dying
I feel the fallen stars encircle me now, as they cry
Out there so quickly grows malignant tribes
Posthuman extinction excels unrecognized
Feeling surrounded, so bored with mortality, I decay
All of this hatred is fuking real, turn it on... yeah
I watch the stars as they fall from the sky
I held a fallen star and it wept for me, dying
I feel the fallen stars encircle me now, as they cry
It won't be all right despite what they say
Just watch the stars tonight as they, as they disappear, disintegrate
And I disintegrate 'cause this hate is fuking real
And I hope to shade the world as stars go out and I disintegrate
Girl's Not Grey - AFI, Lyric
Girl's Not Grey - AFI
I'll lay me down tonight
Much further down
Swim in the calm tonight
This art does drown
(What follows) me as the whitest lace of light
(Will swallow whole) just begs to be imbrued?
What follows has lead me to this place
where I belong, with all erased
All insects sing tonight
The coldest sound
I'd send God's grace tonight
Could it be found?
(What follows) me as the whitest lace of light
(Will swallow whole) just begs to be imbrued?
What follows has lead me to this place
where I belong, with all erased
I'll lay me down tonight
Much further down
Watch stars go out tonight
On sinking ground
I'll lay me down, I'll lay me down
(What follows) me as the whitest lace of light
(Will swallow whole) just begs to be imbrued?
What follows has lead me to this place
where I belong, with all erased
What follows will swallow whole
What follows will swallow whole
Much further down
Swim in the calm tonight
This art does drown
(What follows) me as the whitest lace of light
(Will swallow whole) just begs to be imbrued?
What follows has lead me to this place
where I belong, with all erased
All insects sing tonight
The coldest sound
I'd send God's grace tonight
Could it be found?
(What follows) me as the whitest lace of light
(Will swallow whole) just begs to be imbrued?
What follows has lead me to this place
where I belong, with all erased
I'll lay me down tonight
Much further down
Watch stars go out tonight
On sinking ground
I'll lay me down, I'll lay me down
(What follows) me as the whitest lace of light
(Will swallow whole) just begs to be imbrued?
What follows has lead me to this place
where I belong, with all erased
What follows will swallow whole
What follows will swallow whole
Dancing Through Sunday - AFI, Lyric
Dancing Through Sunday - AFI
Will you join me in this dance, this dance of misery
Cradled in imposs... impossibility?
Swooning, I am swept away
Swept off my feet, with step by step by step
We take the lead as drop by drop, we start... to bleed
(Oh, we dance in misery)
And we dance on, and we dance on
(Oh, we dance in misery)
All lost in the arms of our misery, oh
(Oh, we dance in misery)
And we dance on, and we dance on
Swept off our feet by our misery, we're swept into the shadows
Will you lend yourself to beauty that will horrify?
Let me hide within your black, the still inside your eyes
Deafened, caught within a cry
So sensual, as step by step by step, I seperate
As breath to breath, as I... suffocate
(Oh, we dance in misery)
And we dance on, and we dance on
(Oh, we dance in misery)
All lost in the arms of our misery, oh
(Oh, we dance in misery)
And we dance on, and we dance on
Swept off our feet by our misery, we're swept into the shadows
So who will follow? Who is the lead?
I know I'll leave a stain, because I bleed
As we dance, we all dance
We all... have no chance in this horrid romance
(Oh, we dance in misery)
And we dance on, and we dance on
(Oh, we dance in misery)
All lost in the arms of our misery, oh
(Oh, we dance in misery)
And we dance on, and we dance on
Swept off our feet by our misery, we're swept into the shadows
Swept off our feet by our misery, we're swept into the shadows
Cradled in imposs... impossibility?
Swooning, I am swept away
Swept off my feet, with step by step by step
We take the lead as drop by drop, we start... to bleed
(Oh, we dance in misery)
And we dance on, and we dance on
(Oh, we dance in misery)
All lost in the arms of our misery, oh
(Oh, we dance in misery)
And we dance on, and we dance on
Swept off our feet by our misery, we're swept into the shadows
Will you lend yourself to beauty that will horrify?
Let me hide within your black, the still inside your eyes
Deafened, caught within a cry
So sensual, as step by step by step, I seperate
As breath to breath, as I... suffocate
(Oh, we dance in misery)
And we dance on, and we dance on
(Oh, we dance in misery)
All lost in the arms of our misery, oh
(Oh, we dance in misery)
And we dance on, and we dance on
Swept off our feet by our misery, we're swept into the shadows
So who will follow? Who is the lead?
I know I'll leave a stain, because I bleed
As we dance, we all dance
We all... have no chance in this horrid romance
(Oh, we dance in misery)
And we dance on, and we dance on
(Oh, we dance in misery)
All lost in the arms of our misery, oh
(Oh, we dance in misery)
And we dance on, and we dance on
Swept off our feet by our misery, we're swept into the shadows
Swept off our feet by our misery, we're swept into the shadows
Silver and Cold - AFI, Lyric
Silver and Cold - AFI
I came here today
But I left here in darkness
And found you
Found you on the way
And now
It is silver and silent
It is silver and cold
You, in somber resplendance,
I hold.
Your sins into me
Oh my beatiful one
Your sins into me
As a rapturous voice escapes
I will tremble in prayer
And I'll beg for forgiveness
Your sins into me
Your sins into me
Oh my beautiful one
Like a flutter of wings
Feel your hollow voic rushing
Into me
As your longing to sing
So I
I will paint you in sliver
I will wrap you in cold
I will lift up your voice as I sink
Your sins into me
Oh my beatiful one
Your sins into me
As a rapturous voice escapes
I will tremble in prayer
And I beg for forgiveness
Your sins into me
Your sins into me
Cold in life's throws
I'll fall asleep for you
Cold in life's throws
I only ask you turn away
Cold in life's throws
I'll fall asleep for you
Cold in life's throw
I only ask you turn
As you seep
Into me
Oh my beautiful one
Your sins into me
Oh my beatiful one
Your sins into me
As a rapturous voice escapes
I will tremble in prayer
And I beg for forgiveness
Your sins into me
Your sins into me
Your sins into me
Oh my beautiful one
Your sins into me
As a rapturous voice
Escapes I will tremble in prayer
And I beg for forgiveness
Your sins into me
Your sins into
Your sins into me
Your sins into me
Oh my beatiful one
I came here today
But I left here in darkness
And found you
Found you on the way
And now
It is silver and silent
It is silver and cold
You, in somber resplendance,
I hold.
Your sins into me
Oh my beatiful one
Your sins into me
As a rapturous voice escapes
I will tremble in prayer
And I'll beg for forgiveness
Your sins into me
Your sins into me
Oh my beautiful one
Like a flutter of wings
Feel your hollow voic rushing
Into me
As your longing to sing
So I
I will paint you in sliver
I will wrap you in cold
I will lift up your voice as I sink
Your sins into me
Oh my beatiful one
Your sins into me
As a rapturous voice escapes
I will tremble in prayer
And I beg for forgiveness
Your sins into me
Your sins into me
Cold in life's throws
I'll fall asleep for you
Cold in life's throws
I only ask you turn away
Cold in life's throws
I'll fall asleep for you
Cold in life's throw
I only ask you turn
As you seep
Into me
Oh my beautiful one
Your sins into me
Oh my beatiful one
Your sins into me
As a rapturous voice escapes
I will tremble in prayer
And I beg for forgiveness
Your sins into me
Your sins into me
Your sins into me
Oh my beautiful one
Your sins into me
As a rapturous voice
Escapes I will tremble in prayer
And I beg for forgiveness
Your sins into me
Your sins into
Your sins into me
Your sins into me
Oh my beatiful one
Bleed Black - AFI, Lyric
Bleed Black - AFI
I am exploring the inside.
I find it desolate.
I do implore these confines now as they penetrate,
"recreate me."
I'm hovering throughout time.
I crumble in these days.
I crumble, cannot, I cannot find reflection in these days.
If you listen, listen, listen, listen close,
Beat-by-beat, you can hear when a heart stops.
I saved the pieces when it broke and ground them all to dust.
I am destroyed by the inside.
I disassociate.
I hope to destroy the ouside.
It will alleviate and elevate me.
Like water flowing into lungs,
I'm flowing through these days.
As morphine tears through deadened veins
I'm numbing in these days.
If you listen, listen, listen, listen close,
Beat-by-beat, you can hear when a heart stops.
I saved the pieces when it broke and ground them all to dust.
I know what died that night.
It can never be brought back to life once again,
I know.
I know what died that night it can never be brought back to life.
Once again, I know.
I know
I know
That night, and I'll never be brought back to life once again,
I know
I know I died That night, and I'll never be brought back to life once again,
I know
If you listen, listen, listen, listen close,
Beat-by-beat, you can hear when a heart stops.
I saved the pieces when it broke and ground them all to dust.
If you listen, listen, listen, listen close,
Beat-by-beat, you can hear when a heart stops.
I saved the pieces when it broke and ground them all to dust.
I find it desolate.
I do implore these confines now as they penetrate,
"recreate me."
I'm hovering throughout time.
I crumble in these days.
I crumble, cannot, I cannot find reflection in these days.
If you listen, listen, listen, listen close,
Beat-by-beat, you can hear when a heart stops.
I saved the pieces when it broke and ground them all to dust.
I am destroyed by the inside.
I disassociate.
I hope to destroy the ouside.
It will alleviate and elevate me.
Like water flowing into lungs,
I'm flowing through these days.
As morphine tears through deadened veins
I'm numbing in these days.
If you listen, listen, listen, listen close,
Beat-by-beat, you can hear when a heart stops.
I saved the pieces when it broke and ground them all to dust.
I know what died that night.
It can never be brought back to life once again,
I know.
I know what died that night it can never be brought back to life.
Once again, I know.
I know
I know
That night, and I'll never be brought back to life once again,
I know
I know I died That night, and I'll never be brought back to life once again,
I know
If you listen, listen, listen, listen close,
Beat-by-beat, you can hear when a heart stops.
I saved the pieces when it broke and ground them all to dust.
If you listen, listen, listen, listen close,
Beat-by-beat, you can hear when a heart stops.
I saved the pieces when it broke and ground them all to dust.
The Leaving Song Pt. 2 - AFI, Lyric
The Leaving Song Pt. 2 - AFI
Don't Waste your touch, you won't feel anything.
Or were you sent to save me?
I've thought too much. You won't find anything
Worthy of redeeming
Yo he estado aqui muchas veces antes y regreso
To break down and cease all feeling
Burn now what once was breathing.
Reach out and you may take my heart away.
Imperfect cry and scream in ecstasy
So what befalls the flawless?
Look what I've built. It shines to beautifully!
Now watch as it destroys me. Y regreso aqui otra vez y comienzo
To break down and cease all feeling.
Burn now what once was breathing.
Reach out and you may take my heart away.
Break down and cease all feeling.
Burn now what once was breathing.
Reach out and you may take my heart away.
I left it all behind and never said good-bye. I left it all to die.
I saw its birth. I watched it grow.
I felt it change me. I took the life.
I ate it slow. Now it consumes me.
Break down and cease all feeling.
Burn now what once was breathing.
Reach out and you may take my heart away.
Or were you sent to save me?
I've thought too much. You won't find anything
Worthy of redeeming
Yo he estado aqui muchas veces antes y regreso
To break down and cease all feeling
Burn now what once was breathing.
Reach out and you may take my heart away.
Imperfect cry and scream in ecstasy
So what befalls the flawless?
Look what I've built. It shines to beautifully!
Now watch as it destroys me. Y regreso aqui otra vez y comienzo
To break down and cease all feeling.
Burn now what once was breathing.
Reach out and you may take my heart away.
Break down and cease all feeling.
Burn now what once was breathing.
Reach out and you may take my heart away.
I left it all behind and never said good-bye. I left it all to die.
I saw its birth. I watched it grow.
I felt it change me. I took the life.
I ate it slow. Now it consumes me.
Break down and cease all feeling.
Burn now what once was breathing.
Reach out and you may take my heart away.
Miseria Cantare (The Beginning) - AFI, Lyric
Miseria Cantare (The Beginning) - AFI
Love your hate, your faith lost, you are now one of us.Nothing from nowhere. I'm no one at all.
Radiate. Recognize one silent call as we all form one dark flame.
Nothing from nowhere. I'm no one at all.
Radiate. Recognize one silent call as we all form one dark flame.
As we all form one dark flame.
Love your hate, your faith lost. You are know one of us.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
2012 White House Correspondent's Dinner: Michelle Obama

First Lady Michelle Obama attended the '2012 White House Correspondent's Association Dinner' held at the Washington Hilton in Washington DC.
The prestigious annual event brings Hollywood celebrities, news media personalities, and Washington correspondents together for the evening. Comedian Jimmy Kimmel was the host of the night.
She looked gorgeous as ever in her beautiful floral printed Naeem Khan strapless dress.
She completed her look with sensational soft curls, and flawless make--up.
2012 White House Correspondent's Dinner


Kerry Washington looks stunning and chic in her peach jersey plunged neck Calvin Klein dress.
She is oozing confidence and sophistication in this simple number.
The actress completed her look with a sleek ponytail, Redd Krakoff heels, and a fabulous Roger Vivier clutch.
Viola Davis looks absolutely gorgeous in her red satin sculptural one-shouldered Amsale gown.
The delicious color is amazing against her skin-tone.
She finished off her look with wispy hair, De Beers jewels, and a wonderful smile.
I have to say when Kim Kardashian does elegant, she does it well.
She looks incredible in her forest green velvet Johanna Johnson dress.
The silhouette features encrusted detail on the shoulders and waist, and of course I am loooving the open-back detail.
She teamed her look with a beautiful bun, and gorgeous jewelry.
Rosario Dawson also opted for green for the event. The actress wore a shiny Armani Prive revealing dress.
Ok, I was actually scare for her, because if she sneezes, that dress will rip in 100 pieces!
It's entirely too tight, and I'm sorry, but it looks cheap.
She completed her look with soft curls, and a hot black box clutch.
Rashida Jones wore a more demure teal printed Tory Burch sheer panel dress.
It's a pretty silhouette, but I am not jumping out of my chair.
She completed her look with bangs, and red lips.
2012 White House Correspondent's Dinner: Short Dresses
Eva Longoria looks fantastic in her white embroidered cap sleeves Marchesa puff skirt dress.
She had to ruin this sweet look with her heavy black Brian Atwood heels. Why oh Why?
She completed her look with a bouffant up-do and a Emilio Pucci clutch.
Mary J. Blige and her husband Kendu Isaacs were in attendance.
The singer wore a beautiful black embellished sheer panel dress.
I adore her soft curls, but I wished she colored her roots.
I do love her pop of color red platforms to finished off her look.
Alicia Keys opted for a very casual mustard Diane Von Furstenberg belted dress.
It's cute for a cocktail party, but not for a prestigious event such as this one.
She finished off her look with curly locks, awful black tights, black envelope clutch, and Valentino heels.
Sofia Vergara opted for a flirty strapless brocade Monique Lhuillier dress.
She teamed her look with loose curls, and black Christian Louboutin heels.
More Pictures Below!
2012 White House Correspondent's Dinner
Kate Hudson looks extraordinary in her grape embellished Jenny Pachham long sleeves gown.
I adore the rich color, and the black cuff detail on the sleeves.
She completed her look with a bouffant bun, and a black clutch.
Elizabeth Banks is red hot in her Antonio Berardi strapless dress.
The silhouette features a peplum detail on the waist, and fabulous exposed zipper on the back of the dress.
She teamed her look with a messy up-do and, gold geometric Bvlgari clutch, and red lips.
Charlize Theron wore an amazing black lace Emilio Pucci scalloped trim dress.
It seems like everyone is rocking the open-back detail, and I am loooving it!
She topped off her look with an elegant up-do, black Judith Leiber clutch, Manola Blahnik heels.


Elle Macpherson is bringing on the drama in her marvelous black silk organza and silk crepe architecturally Romona Keveza dress!
The dress has a sexy daring split.
She teamed her look with luscious curls,sparkly jewelry, and black glittery clutch.
Ginnifer Goodwin looks absolutely gorgeous in her ivory ruffled H & M Conscious gown.
I adore the contrast of the black band, and the ethereal feel of this silhouette.
She finished off her look with cute cropped hair, gold box clutch, and a pop of red lips..
Dakota Fanning looks beautiful in her embellished Prada key-hole dress, but I have seen this look on her at least 500 times.
I beg of her stylist to put this girl in some vibrant colors!
She completed her look with straight hair, silver box Prada clutch, and bow-detail Giuseppe Zanotti sandals.
2012 White House Correspondent's Dinner


Reese Witherspoon looked sensational hiding her baby bump in her black knotted Monique Lhuillier dress.
She completed her look with gorgeous wavy hair, and turquoise Neuwirth earrings.
First of all, how did Lindsay Lohan get pass the security for this event?
Anyway, She looks wonderful in her black satin haltered dress.
She finished off her look with long tresses, and pop of red lips.
Zooey Deschanel looks sweet in her nude embroidered floral Oscar de la Renta strapless dress.
She completed her look with side-side curls, and luscious raspberry lips
Kris Jenner looks regal in her red one-shouldered YSL dress.
She teamed her look with spiked cropped hair, embellished clutch, and nude lips.
Jaime Colby looks fantastic in her emerald off-the-shoulders gown.She completed her look with side swept bob, and a Judith Leiber bag.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
6th Annual DKMS Gala: Solange
Stephane Rolland Spring 2012 Couture
Hot Damn! Solange is letting me have it!
The singer attended the '6th Annual DKMS Linked Against Blood Cancer Gala' in New York City.
I was praying that someone would wear this stunning fashion-forward silk jersey creation on the red carpet, and Solange is the perfect person for this gown, because she can bring on the drama.
Spanish actress Paz Vega wore a similar version to the '2012 Elton John Aids Foundation Gala'.
I am looooving everything from the metal futuristic detail to the sculptural detail on the hips.
She completed her look with a beautiful bun, and a gold cuff bracelet.
This silhouette is certainly not for mere mortals.
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